October 22, 2024


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SPAC Nation To Complement Nigerian Government On Youth Empowerment, Security, Others – Pastor Adegboyega

David Ireayomide

For a ministry that started with less than five members, SPAC Nation has grown in leaps and bounds to become a household name in London, and is rapidly spreading to other parts of the United Kingdom.

Led by Nigerian-born Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, SPAC Nation which has gradually become a household name in London has gone beyond being a Church.

The mantra in this organization whose impact transcends just spiritual upliftment is that “Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship”.

Across different boroughs of London, SPAC Nation has forged indeed relationships that are not limited by race or class. Many have been led to Christ by the exemplary manner in which the ministry has carried out different activities.

Regularly championing the cause for a less violent London, Pastor Tobi Adegboyega and his largely youthful congregation have been able to take many hitherto disturbed youths off the streets.

Many have come to Church to drop their knives and others who are involved in drug sales have quit and started making better meaning out of their lives.

Pastor Tobi Adegboyega is one individual whose life has followed a trajectory that can be said to be ordered by the supernatural.

He went to the United Kingdom on a visit to his uncle’s family, before his plan to go to the United States to continue his studies and ultimately become a legal practitioner.

However, things have taken a different turn as he has found himself pastoring London’s largest-growing ministry.

“I left Nigeria in 2005 to visit my uncle and cousins before proceeding to the USA. During my visit, I saw many youths whose lives needed direction. That was the turning point in my life. I went back to Nigeria and returned after a while to take up the work of He who sent me”.

SPAC Nation started in Peckham which is one of London’s poorest areas with less than five people and has grown to over 2,000 people who are eager to serve God and make an impact in their communities, just like the leadership.

Over the years, many young people who were previously not sure of their direction in life have found their purpose.

According to Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, SPAC Nation has many youths whose lives were a total mess and destined for distraction before The Lord led them to SPAC Nation.

“Many of these youths are hungry for God and hungry for success in other areas of life. We have youths in their early to mid-twenties who have embraced entrepreneurship. What we have is a unique setting that is very different from the conventional Church”, he said.

The ministry has been able to deal with youth restiveness in London by addressing the root cause of violence which is believed to be a lack of opportunities.

SPAC Nation has built a bridge and unite those who were deprived and those who had the good things of life. Jobs and opportunities have been created and SPAC Nation has been able to start over forty businesses which is no mean feat in London.

These feats of job creation and youth empowerment are to be replicated in Nigeria very soon.

Pastor Tobi Adegboyega and SPAC Nation presently support a lot of widows and indigent university students in Nigeria. The intention however is to scale this up and engage more youths via empowerment and trainings.

“We have three main plans for Nigerian youths. The first is job creation. I have seen how prosperity has reduced crime. With more jobs, many who are involved in crimes will be better engaged. We will also support innovative young people who have ideas to bring solutions to niggling issues within their local areas. Third, we will give vocational training to youths by using our existing partnerships with Ivy league schools around the world.”

Pastor Tobi is very confident that the project will create a thousand jobs within 24 months and scale it up as time goes on.

“I have friends who are CEOs of first class global companies, and who believe in our dream. We have people on ground who have done a test-run so we already know how it will work. We will do all these without necessarily disturbing the government because we know the government has enough on their plate already.”

On environmental development, SPAC Nation will sink boreholes in Makoko, a coastal community in Lagos that is in dire need of attention.

“We see Makoko as one community that requires urgent attention and intervention. We cannot leave government to do everything, so we are coming to intervene in Makoko. We will sink boreholes for them to have access to potable water, generate employment and empower residents of this community which has been largely ignored.”

Pastor Tobi Adegboyega represents the hope coming out of Nigeria with his passion to see youths and indeed the country fulfil her potential.

With these great programmes being put together, we can indeed say we have one more Nigerian that is putting in the work to make Nigeria and Nigerians great.

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