October 22, 2024


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Invest In God’s Work Before Your Life, Pastor Adegboyega Admonished Christians

Akin Olayemi
SPAC Lead Pastor, Tobi Adegboyega
PASTOR Tobi Adegboyega, the Global Lead Pastor of The Nation Family, also known as SPAC Nation London has called on Christians to quit sitting on their craft and get down to the work of creating so as to make disciples of all nations for God.
Pastor Tobi gave this charge while speaking during an online meeting titled “Creator, Creation, Create” which was monitored via the Youtube channel of The Nation Family.
According to him, there is the need to let the spirit of God to remove everything that prevents us from performing at our optimal level because without that we might end up disappointing God in the task of nation building.
PT said the whole story of The Nation Family was about creation, which was actually involuntary because that was not what the ministry set out to achieve from the start.
“The fact that the Church is not producing means something is wrong with creating from the Church. Our story as SPAC Nation has been about creation, and that was unintentional because we didn’t even know we were doing that. When The Holy Ghost comes, there is creation!”
Quoting copiously from Exodus 31, The Pastor who has been in ministry for over fifteen years explained that believers should channel all their crafts and resources towards creating for God’s work before trying to build themselves.
“There are lots of people with potential and craft on their side and they need to create. Free yourself from what humanity has put on you. All your resources and skills are meant to first build God’s work before you. You are to make disciples of all nations where you find yourself. That is you creating! No matter how difficult a person is, you are to make disciples of them. That fulfils the mandate to create for the kingdom.”
Pastor Tobi added that Christians need not use any mortal being as their example, advising them to instead cast their burdens on God.
“You can have a mentor but that mentor should not take the place of God. The Nation Family has only relied on God, not any father in The Lord or any individual. It has been only God, and it will forever be about Him alone in our quest to create as disciples of Jesus Christ.”
He went further to add that Christians should eschew selfishness and bring themselves together as one so as to make the divine task of creating easier. Pointing out that a house divided against itself cannot stand, Pastor Tobi frowned at situations in which Pastors separated and created rival Churches.
“I find it funny that some men of God go their separate ways and start fighting over resources and followers when they should actually unite and create. How do we fight in the process of telling people not to fight? That is absolutely contradictory.”
He explained that Christianity goes beyond church going and religious gatherings, adding that believers have to learn to be economically united.
“The apostles of old created a micro-economy. In fact, the Church led by Peter had a whole economy and that made it impossible for anyone among them to be needy. What God asked us to do is simple: create your own economy. That may take us time but we have our focus on that so we can also say that there is no needy person among us.”
He pointed out that the refusal to build a rich community has landed us in a mess where we have loads of poor people.

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