October 21, 2024


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Flood sacks Lagos Community

Subair Mohammed

* Residents Identify Block Drainages as Cause of Flood
* CDC Chairman says with flooding the community is a terrible sight
* Residents Grieve Over Loss of Property, Invasion of Home by Flood

Residents in Ikotun, Abaranje, Isheri Oshun, Watersand,Ayanwale, Isiji-Ola and Potokun in Igando-Ikotun LCDA, Lagos state said flooding has threatened to sacked them from their homes as it has destroyed their property.

According to some of them that spoke to Legit.ng regional reporter, Subair Mohammed, the flood which was as a result of a blocked canal has gone bad that once it rains their environment and homes becomes flooded with filth and dirt from the canal .

Speaking on this, Chairman, Igando-Ikotun LCDA Community Development Committee, Elder Ademola Osibeluwo said flooding has been one of their major challenges as the LCDA has never had it so bad with the damaging impact the recent flooding has on homes in the community.

“We have experienced flooding in the highest form with the early rainfall. The impact was a terrible sight to behold. Both homes and the environment of the affected areas become a no-go-area when it become flooded. Although the LCDA Chairperson, Mrs Morenike Adeshina Williams has been proactive in ensuring a flood free community as she deployed engineers from the engineering department of the LCDA to evacuate all the blocked drainage, Lagos state government need to come to our aid to prevent future loss.

Also, night traders at the BRT bus living but in doing this, they generate waste which they dump in the canal and consequently causes blockage to the canal. Our Street Sanitation Captains are always on ground to monitor and ensure that the environment are kept clean but the traders are not deterred by this. I am calling on the Lagos state government to come to our aid and help the community to attain a flood free environment.
As a matter of fact, a petition was sent to my office just this morning complaining about the destructive impact of the flood consequent to the last rainfall. It affects the roads, homes, and the health of the young ones even the adults. And we should not wait until the outbreak of water borne diseases before we seek solution to the problem steering us in the face.”

Another resident in Abaranje, Ayoola Tunbosun laments absence of proper drainage system which he said is responsible for the frequent flooding being experienced.

Ayoola said his home appliances has been damaged as a result of the flood which invaded his home.

He added “The rain is just starting. I can only appeal to the State government to construct proper drainage channel and deploy it’s drain ducks to clear all the blocked channels for us to have a healthy environment. Don’t let’s wait till it gets out of hand before we start reacting. Think of the safety of the school children . What happens if after school hour they fall into the stagnant water? The entire Abaranje is in ruin infrastructure wise but for the efforts of the chairperson of Igando-Ikotun LCDA who has been working tirelessly to ensure a healthy environment.”

Similarly, traders in Ejigbo LCDA have also cried out to the State government as flood takes over their stalls.
According to them, whenever it rained rather than being relieved, traders and motorists are subjected to an agonising experience as both the road and the market become flooded.
They however call on the government to complete the construction of the abandoned drainage projects and clear the blocked ones.

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