October 24, 2024


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Learn From Incredible Lessons of Biblical Job– Nation Family GLP Advises

Mojisola Lawal
BELIEVERS have been encouraged to be resolute in their challenging times and learn from the incredible story of Job which ended in testimony.

This admonition was given by Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, the Global Lead Pastor of London based The Nation Family, also known as SPAC Nation.

Pastor Tobi was speaking at the service themed Helper’s family, one of the series of the December 2020 Word Explosion with the title Heaven on Earth, which was beamed live via Youtube and Periscope.

According to the 40-year old minister, many of our challenges happen with God fully in the know. He said they are mostly results of conversations between God and satan, and are mostly to make us better individuals.

“We sometimes forget who Job actually is. The book of Job started with Job’s resume and went on to the conversation between God and Job. The Bible mentioned that the ‘sons of God’ gathered, and satan was one of them. We were not told who these ‘sons of God’ are. This goes to say that in anything related to the next level, satan always has to be there.”

PT added that it is telling that wherever God is, satan always finds his way there. He enthused that satan is always lurking in the shadows wherever there is greatness.

He explained further that Job’s lifestyle which was going to likely see him elevated to the position of being ‘one of the sons of God’ was a source of pride to God and brought about the conversation which ultimately led to his trials because satan being himself always found a way to make things about himself. He suggested to God that Job be tested to see how well he would react to unfavourable events.

“This goes to say that God is aware of your tests, of your trials and travails. Indeed, Job did not understand why he had to go through his travails. God was aware and gave the go-ahead for Job to be tested. Don’t always think God has abandoned you when things don’t go your way.”

Pastor Tobi who read from Job 1:1-11 and Job 38:33 further added that the first thing satan gives to people is burden. He sees and concentrates on people who are thriving and puts them through trials to see if they are actually of God. That is what happened with Job

In his words, “satan never goes after insignificant people and churches. He targets the people whose influence can change a lot. Job was a man of influence, he was extremely relevant. Satan knew if someone like Job could go through problems, it was bound to affect many who looked up to him. Going through unpalatable situations in any area of your life may just be telling you that you are of significance. So I implore you to rise to the occasion, fail to curse God like Job, go through the phase and come out better just like Job who is our perfect example”.

The Pastor who is concerned about nation building charged believers to be sensitive when going through these times, especially when it seemed God was quiet as that may be the result of the conversation between God and the accuser who is making them go through the fire.

“Let me tell you, once God answers to all your queries and questions, something big is about to happen. God kept quiet from the beginning of the book of Job till he was ready to answer. Fact is continuous tests bring about abundance in the long run. Check out how Job went through it all but came out better.”

He advised that we should not be quick to go and check the latter end of Job but should understand how much of a challenge he went through.

“Job was restored, he got much more than he lost but he went through what we can call hell. In your hellish moments, have it in mind that restoration comes soon and it will eclipse all your pains.”

PT signed off by asking critics of The Nation Family’s unconventional style of Christianity to quit throwing barbs from afar, asking them to quit being unnecessarily negative and coming close to key into what God is doing through the unique army of the present times.

“That is the only way we can join hands to change our communities for good and together engage in nation building.”

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