October 22, 2024


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Lasting blessings are for determined people – Tobi Adegboyega

Mojisola Lawal

FOR humanity to reach a state of limitlessness, there must be desire to fight till the end while surrendering the fleshly nature to the new man, as planned by God.

This submission was made by Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, the Global Lead Pastor of the fastest growing Pentecostal ministry in the United Kingdom, The Nxtion Family, which is also known as SPAC Nation.

SPAC Lead Pastor, Tobi Adegboyega

Pastor Tobi was speaking during his sermon during the service which was themed Limitless Spending. Using the story of Esau and Jacob in Genesis 25:20-34 as his reference point, PT explained that man must win battles at every level in order to reach a limitless stage.

According to him, this was what made Jacob struggle till he reached the point where he was to be served by Esau, his elder twin.

“Esau was comfortable because he was assured of the father’s blessing being the elder child but Jacob was ready to challenge him by struggling to get the blessing which he also desired but was not qualified for by virtue of birth. That was why he exploited Esau and took his birthright.”

Pastor Tobi explained that Jacob was spurred on by the fact that struggles and fights never end in life, adding that it was the same Jacob who wrestled with Laban, their uncle as well as an angel.

“The fact that Jacob took over the blessings of Esau was a fulfilment of the prophecy about them both which stated that the elder will serve the younger. The choices you make are based on the person you are, Esau’s choice was based on the fact that he did not struggle to be the elder while Jacob did all he had to do to be blessed.”

Clarifying further, PT explained that there must be constant struggles and as one struggle ends, another starts. He pointed out that it is these struggles that make man who he turns out to be.

“Jacob was a fighter. He understood that fights only stop when you die. The day you stop fighting for something, you drift from achieving a level of limitlessness. Jacob knew life was competitive so he exploited Esau’s readiness to do anything for a plate of red stew.”

The Pastor who has been in ministry for more than fifteen years challenged the congregation to allow the “elder to serve the younger,” as that was the only way to fulfilling divine promise and getting to the limitless state that God wants for us.

“In this situation, the younger is your new life while the elder is the flesh. The problem with flesh is that it is self-serving. Esau wanted to satisfy flesh while Jacob was more about doing whatever it took to get the blessing. The older must serve the younger; the flesh is older and must serve the new man which is younger than it. When you make the older align with the younger, you will be able to enjoy limitless blessing.”

Pastor Tobi further said that however low or high a man is, there is a new level where he has to be valiant and fight the good fight of faith. He charged the congregation to be wary of those who quickly make life comfortable for them because they may not let them get to the next level.

Closing out the message, he challenged the “nationals,” as members of The Nxtion Family are called, that they should allow the gift in their lives to serve the call of God upon their lives as that is the only way they will get into limitlessness.

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