October 22, 2024


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NXTION Family Starts Word Explosion, As GLP Charge Believers To Live, Not Just Exist

Mojisola Lawal

The fastest growing Pentecostal ministry in the United Kingdom, SPAC Nation, which is also known as The Nxtion Family has started its Word Conference themed ‘Life’.

Declaring the programme open, Pastor Sam Akokhia, Lead Pastor of The Nxtion Family charged the congregation to be fully attentive and let what they get in God’s presence stay with them. He read from 1 Timothy 6:11 and said the word of God is like a seed which leads to absolute fruitfulness when it drops on the best part of a man’s life.

Mounting the stage to deliver the word in the service which was beamed via the church’s Youtube channel, Pastor Tobi Adegboyega, the Global Lead Pastor of the ministry touched on diverse issues before highlighting the need not to just exist but to live.

Pastor Tobi explained that believers need to submit themselves to teaching so that they can understand the difference between existence and life. According to him, many are stuck in the place of just existing while gradually drifting away from living.

“When you miss your teacher, it is likely that you will miss your time. Your potential will only be dug by your teacher. The teaching of God’s word is exploring till it digs up your natural resource. For the next three days, we will be digging for natural treasure”

PT pointed out that many of us live our parents’ lives with many mistaking situations for life. He said many people are responsible for the situation in which they find themselves, adding that they merely exist without life.


According to Pastor Tobi, there is a difference between existing and living. Quoting from Genesis 2:5-7, he added that there is a superior man to the man formed from the dirt.

“Man can exist but without the breath of life, he cannot live. What blocks us from life is existence and God needs a life man. Adam did not come alive until God breathed into him. Teaching is what breathes life into man. Adam started behaving like Christ the moment God breathed into him. When Abraham prayed and ‘breathed’ into Isaac, he started behaving like Abraham. Same thing when Isaac ‘breathed’ into Jacob.”

The Global Lead Pastor further explained that the problems that we see around can only be solved by life because it is only in life that you find light. He narrated that anyone who has life will bring light.

“Your light brings direction to mankind. It was not until Adam became the life man that all the animals in Eden knew their names. They were confused, not knowing their jurisdiction. When Adam came, he taught them what to do. Adam was just another man till the breath of life came to him and he took authority over Eden. Life is not just about existence. There should be LIFE beyond all the physical and emotional things we chase after. Life should bring light, more like life-light as is said in the Message translation of The Bible.”

As he closed out the sermon, PT advised listeners to block out the things that make them just exist because you have to choose either life or existence. He said life comes by the Scripture according to 2 Timothy 3:16, adding that anything done outside of life is just coexistence.

>The Word Explosion continues through the weekend and can be joined via The Nxtion Family’s Youtube channel, NXTION Family TV and on Facebook via Nxtion Family.

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