July 26, 2024


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Nigeria @62: Apatira Greets Nigerians, Assures Nigeria Will Be Great Despite Challenges

2 min read

Vincent John

Vincent John

As Nigeria celebrates 62nd Independence anniversary, Executive Chairman of Itire-Ikate LCDA, Hon. (Dr) Ahmed Olanrewaju Apatira, has assured Nigerians of better days ahead despite the challenges confronting the country.

Apatira gave this assurance in his speech to Nigerians on the country’s Independence Day on October 1.

While felicitating Nigerians on this occasion, the Council boss called for unity of purpose among different ethnic groups, stressing that in oneness Nigeria will surmount her current challenges to emerge a stronger nation economically.

According to him, “This is no doubt a trying moment for us as Nigerians but I am assuring us that it’s a phase in our national life, better days are ahead of us and these challenges are surmountable.

If we reflect on our journey as a nation in the last 62 years, we have every reason to give thanks to Almighty God who, who in spite of all odds, kept us together as one indivisible entity.

Without mincing words, we are a blessed nation with great potentials to rank among the best and most prosperous countries in the world.

“Our resilience, resourcefulness and determination to succeed in all spheres of human endeavour is widely recognized and acknowledged across the world.

“We all need one another to survive as no part of Nigeria can do it all alone and still command the kind of influence Nigeria currently enjoys among comity of nations.

I therefore call on all Nigerians to renew their hope and faith in the country leadership of the country as it gets better with greater opportunities for all and sundry.

Today, I speak not of politics but patriotism. The time for politics will come soon enough but the time for and demand of patriotism never fade.

I urge us as Nigerians to seek the best for Nigeria regardless of political affiliation and not undermine our national purpose in pursuit of individual gains.

As the move towards the 2023 general election, I urge all Nigerians to eschew violence and divisive and inflammatory politics that is capable of threatening our national unity.

I remain committed to a violence-free, and democratic Nigeria. I ask you all to do the same. It is only by so doing, shall we honour the sacrifices and devotion of our founding fathers.

Let me also seize this opportunity to call for togetherness, oneness and accommodation for all. We must accept the fact that none of us is as great as all of us. May the labour of our heroes past never be in vain.’’

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